I’ve always adored fantasy composites with neon colors and gorgeous glowing subjects. I always thought that creating a piece like that must take some real skill and a lot of work, though, so I didn’t try it it until now.
Shooting for this composite piece was easier than I had imagined. I used the modeling light from my Einstein 640 (with a 64″ PLM) and Pixel RGB LED Video Light set to blue. I didn’t fire the strobe because the modeling light filled the shadows enough by itself.
You might be wondering what RGB lights are. Well, they’re exactly what they sound like: RED, BLUE, GREEN LEDs that can produce up to 16 million (yes, you read that right) hues of light.
I know it’s a video light, but the different colors you can achieve make it an amazing addition to any studio.
So, I posed my daughter and adjusted the height of both lights. The modeling light camera left was placed lower to the ground and closer to her, while the video light camera right was way above her head. I also used a small white reflector right in front of her.

The modeling light was at full strength, but I had to turn the blue video light way down because it’s very powerful and it was blinding her. (If you vlog or just love good lighting while going live would be very happy with these lights).
I took the shot I was looking for pretty fast, so we spent more time playing than posing.

Compositing this piece was simple only because of the way it was shot. The glow on the face was already there and, because it was shot very low key, it wasn’t hard to blend with the background.
Obviously, I could never create a composite without Summerana’s tools. I added some gorgeous butterfly overlays that, if you are a member, you can find HERE!
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Have you ever done a fantasy composite using RGB video lighting? If so, I would love to see, so make sure to post in the group.
Happy Shooting & Compositing!
Grab your own RGB LED Video Light HERE
USE CODE: SUMMERANA20 for 20%OFF (exp. 06.04.2021)