Last week’s Top Photographers of the Week Contest has come to an end, this means we have winners to announce and also this week’s theme to reveal!
Last week’s contest theme was ‘Eyelashes‘. So without further ado, here are our top winners (in no particular order):
Michelle LaPrade Photography
“I used – Summerana Everlasting Garden – Digital Background 5, Tons of Summerana Photoshop Actions as well as the awesome new “Lashes” brush”
Edited using products found in the Summerana Academy.
Kayla Mae Fine Art Photography
“Shot my Christmas mini promo today with my daughter, I loved this photo. I also have loved the winter berries since they came out but never had a great photo to go with it folks… I found it.”
Edited using a Winterberry digital background found in the Summerana Academy.
Everlasting Impressions Photography

Spun Gold Photography
“Used Summerana make-up actions, but then couldn’t resist and went to BW.”
Edited using Photoshop actions found in the Summerana Academy.
This Week’s Theme:
P.S. Feel free to check out our new freckles brushes located in the Summerana Academy to help with this weeks theme!
Go enter this week’s new contest! You can read more details on how to enter our weekly top photo contests each week here.