Last week’s Top Photographers of the Week Contest has come to an end, this means we have winners to announce and also this week’s theme to reveal!
Last week’s contest theme was ‘Current Favorite‘. So without further ado, here are our top winners (in no particular order):
” This Fairytale wouldn’t be possible without the incredible tools in the Summerana Academy!
In Use: Castle digital background, lightflare, and cloud brushes.
If you haven’t hopped onto this membership yet, what are you waiting for??
The savings are insane if you use any type of digital bg, art, actions, lighting, skies, animals, presets, brushes, holiday anything, etc. not to mention all of the tutorials available!!!!
#currentfavorite #topphotographer
Find more info here: ”
– Geniann Elliott Photography

“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”
– Unknown
#currentfavorite #topphotographer – Chelley Photography
Regina Moran
Andre Santos
Shera Diaz
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to those of you who participated.
If you are a winner, please feel free to download your winning badge here.
This Week’s Theme
P.S. Feel free to check out our FREE SNOW OVERLAYS to help with this week’s theme!
Go enter this week’s new contest! You can read more details on how to enter our weekly top photo contests each week here.