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Summerana Magazine – Photographer of the Month Top Ten Contest Info

Introducing our Summerana digital/print magazine! This magazine is focused on the creative photographer with the intent to provide photography and editing education as well as to feature influential photographers, vendors, and creatives (that’s YOU guys!!) from around the world.

Each month we host a fun themed top ten photographer of the month contest for each of you to get the opportunity to be in the magazine!


What is Summerana’s Photographer of the Month Top Ten Contest?

This is a monthly themed photo contest dedicated to showcase your work and talent as a photographer in our digital/print Summerana Magazine. Each month’s contest will be the same as the theme of that month’s magazine theme. Not only can it push you out of the box to put yourself out there creatively, but it can be fun to see your work in print if you are chosen as one of the top ten. You will be able to download our badge to display on your website as well if you’d like. Additionally, you can share your image on your photography page and tag your clients in the winning photo to congratulate them on winning and to get clients (and everyone who sees their tag) to come back to your page for more exposure.


Cover image is featuring Shannon Squires Photography


How do I enter ?

To enter, look for our post asking for submissions in our Summerana’s Photography Tribe Facebook group. You will be able to comment on that post with your professional images (please no cell phone shots) and we will message you if we’re interested in featuring you. You may also let me know if you used any Summerana products, we would love to also share that. You may only participate in this contest if you are a photographer (no vendors/shops allowed) and you must submit images you took yourself. For the magazine feature you should only post in the comments section of this post in the group (this is a separate contest from our weekly group top ten photo contest where you would normally post on the group wall, you can see more info on that contest here).


Images are featuring previous winners Barbara Rusciano Photography and Shana C. Carter Photography, LLC


Keep in mind the magazine is vertical and the size of the images would have to be 8.5×11 so when you submit horizontal images, please make sure they can be cropped to fit vertically and they do not lose any important details or parts of the subject. You must also keep in mind that if you are chosen as a winner, we will be asking for the high resolution image for the magazine without any logos. If you do not have a high resolution file of the image please do not submit that image as we cannot submit it for print.

When and how will the winners be announced?

The winners will be announced each month when we publish/launch the magazine issue. You will be emailed a copy of your winning page and badge.




Where can I find the Magazine issues?

There are two versions of each magazine, a print version and a digital version.

You can find the digital versions on our website here (this does not include a print versions). If you want to purchase a print version (this version also comes with a free digital version) you can purchase the print magazine issues here.

All Summerana Members get the digital versions for free inside your membership library! You can log in to view/download it OR sign up for the entire shop membership 
if you aren’t already a member here.

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