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Interview with Summerana Resident Instructor Kimber Greenwood

Introducing Kimber Greenwood inside the Summerana Membership! We are lucky to have her as a resident instructor at Summerana, and we also got to sit her down for an interview.

“Hi, I’m Kimber, owner of Water Bear Photography! I grew up in Ohio, but have since taken up residence in beautiful, sunny Gainesville, Florida. My professional photography career was born in 2016, following the birth of my miracle baby and a long bout of postpartum depression. I love being a mom to a wild boy, highly caffeinated (see afore-mentioned wild boy), and being underwater. Since 2003, I’ve been a certified SCUBA diver and lifeguard. My first degree is in Marine Biology, during which I met my husband because of our mutual love of cave diving. As you can see, it was a very natural progression for me to become an underwater photographer!

I hope you love my course with Summerana and that it inspires you to safely try underwater photography.

I am happy to be a resource; please do not hesitate reach out! It is my sincerest hope that it will help open up new worlds to you.”


If we asked your family, who are YOU, what would they say?

My husband and I always joke that he’s the anchor while I’m the sail; he makes our house a home and keeps me grounded (and cooks every night!) while I’m constantly dragging us into something new. Whether it’s a new hobby, traveling, or some type of education, I’m a collector of experiences and lifelong learner (*nerd).

What was your first year as a professional photographer like?

ROUGH. I had no idea how to run a business other than as a hobby, and, as a result, I burned out and the business nearly failed. Thankfully, I started investing into education and haven’t looked back since!

How would you describe your photography style?

I love true to life colors and scenes that tell a story. My favorite images are taken underwater, which has always felt like home to me. I love the way the water moves hair and fabric and creates images that are unreplicable. You never know what you’ll get when you’re underwater and I find that it’s also been teaching my Type A self to let go and just create with what I’m given.

What are some techniques that members should look forward to learning from your resident instructor tutorials?

My main focuses are underwater, maternity, boudoir, and adventure elopements. Currently I have two tutorials available through Summerana- one is an underwater editing tutorial and the other is an Introduction to Boudoir Posing. I love teaching editing, styling, and posing- from concept design to post production, it’s satisfying to help other photographers bring their vision to life.

If you had unlimited funds and you could go anywhere in the world, what would your dream photoshoot look like?

Ooh, that’s tough! Fortunately I have an entire list on my phone relating to this, but I’ll just give you one of my top ones. Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved sharks. Like LOVED them. My first degree was in Marine Biology and I worked as an Oil Spill Biologist for a few years. That being said, my dream shoot with be Great White Sharks, but only if it were possible to do from a Leave No Trace standpoint and respecting these incredible predators.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned as a photographer?

“I never lose; I either win or I learn”- Nelson Mandela. To reframe failures into stepping stones. Failure is only final if you let it be!



If you could have dinner with 1 person (dead or alive) that made an impact on the photography industry, who would it be?

The first photographer who truly inspired me was Benjamin Von Wong. I love how conservation-minded he is and how elaborate and well-planned his shoots are. They truly tell stories and make the world a better place!


What inspires you to create?

Originally I started creating as a means to cope with postpartum depression. Photography truly helped me when I was in a dark place and I still find a lot of healing in it. Now, I would say I’m inspired to create by the wonderful world we live in and the amazing people I’m blessed to meet through this job. One of my favorite parts of this job is getting to know my clients and figuring out what their dream shoot is and then helping them accomplish it!

Favorite Quote

“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea”. ~ Isak Dinesen


Watch me edit: 

Water World – underwater editing workshop
Want to watch me edit this image in Photoshop from start to finish? It is available to watch in the Summerana Membership here.

In this editing tutorial, Summerana instructor Kimber Greenwood of Waterbear Photography shows you her step-by-step process for editing an in depth underwater image in Photoshop.


  •  Spot healing and clone stamp to remove distracting elements
  • Patch tool to remove any repeating patterns from editing
  •  Liquify to smooth and add flow to fabrics
  •  Select and mask to localize effects
  • Mixer brush to smooth & add painterly effect
  • Curves layer to effect specific color channels
  •  Photo filter with clipping mask to localize effect
  •  Color balance to even skin tones
  •  Painting with color layers
  •  Levels to increase blacks and highlights for dramatic effect

and more… all through hand editing!

Kimber Greenwood
Waterbear Photography

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