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Clubhouse Tog Talk Recap: Finding Inspiration Through Other Art Mediums

Recap – Finding Inspiration Though Other Art Mediums

Missed our Clubhouse chat this week, or a snippet of the engaging & constructive conversation that arose?  Let’s discuss!

This week we talked about finding inspiration through different art mediums. Whether it’s a fine art painting in a museum, your favorite tune, or a tv series you are drawn to, there are plenty of places and spaces to be inspired.

First of all, the one closest to many of our creative hearts is PAINTINGS. Whether it’s the masters of old or Picasso, the inspiration is endless when you look into the creative world.

Watch and observe where the light comes from in a painting. Is it above, from the side, maybe dark and moody or light and soft. Rembrandt lighting is a great example, and one that we sometimes take for granted. It was named after the Dutch painter Rembrandt because it replicates the lighting in his paintings, and is very popular with photographers and cinematographers worldwide.

Also, the tones of a color palette are a great inspiration, especially with artists such as Klimt or Van Gogh where their vibrant colors blast open our visual senses.

Next, let’s talk about Movies, TV Shows and other cinematographic inspirations.

What color grades and filters are being used in a TV series? Feel out the moods that are created by those filters & tones, or possibly even black and white. Maybe a specific decade and the wardrobe from a series, such as Stranger Things. Or even the dramatic framing of a Hitchcock film or the gritty vibrance of a Marvel movie!

Take those feelings, those colors and moods from your favorite cinematic piece, and implement them into your own photographic art.

Music and lyrics. An easy favorite for so many.  Music is not only a great inspiration, but also a wonderful place to let go and find your next story.  Songs like Sweet Home Alabama, or my favorite songwriter Tori Amos. There are so many stories to be told within music. Taking those thoughts and turning them into a piece of photographic art is a wonderful way to be inspired.

What feelings does a specific song or lyric give you? Where does a song take you? Get lost in the beautiful stories of music and lyrics.

Last but not least, magazines & books!
Maybe it’s that Vogue spread, or your favorite children’s book. What about novels like The Secret Garden and Alice in Wonderland.

Books, poetry and other writing offer endless bits and pieces of inspiration. Especially tales from children’s books and nursery rhymes.

When finding inspiration through other art mediums, follow your soul. What ignites your creative spark and moves you to create your own story?

Whatever it is, follow that path and don’t let go. Find that inspiration that fuels you, and ignite your own creativity.

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