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Top Photographers of the Week – MOTHERHOOD

Last week’s Top Photographers of the Week Contest has come to an end, this means we have winners to announce and also this week’s theme to reveal!

Last week’s contest theme was ‘MOTHERHOOD. So without further ado, here are our top winners (in no particular order):

Michelle Zumbach‎ Photography
Belle Vie Photography

Stacy Robeson Photography

Brandy Kay Photography

Zinn Photography
Trandafir‎ Photography

Guiding Light Photography By Heather Mauchline At 35 weeks I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and the next day admitted to labor and delivery after a dizzy spell and collapsing. They decided to begin my induction immediately. After 3 days of labor and no pain medication due to other medical issues I gave birth to our son Arthur. I wasn’t prepared for his labor at 35 weeks so instead of being able to hire a birth photographer I took my own. My proudest moment as a photographer and a mother. My son is 6 weeks old now and we’re doing great! ❤️

Nia Phillips Photography  This maternity session was about a growing and healthy baby girl, with two mothers. Her birth mother, and her adoptive mother. Meeting with both of them and seeing how they interacted, made me notice that this wasn’t just some sort of arrangement. (Not that I ever believed that!) No. These ladies were FRIENDS. They treated each other as family. They fixed each other’s outfits and hair from the wind, chatted as old friends, and just were fun to be around! It was absolutely beautiful. I love this photo. One, it shows the comfort and bond both of these beautiful young women have with one another. And two, the LOVE and happiness. You can see it. There’s not a doubt in my mind that these ladies love this little baby. And there is going to be a bond between these two ladies for a lifetime. I’m capturing the birth in TWO DAYS!”

Henhouse Imagery

Kristin Vucina photography

Katie Bonomo Photography

Traci Nieto‎ photography

Heather Gripka photography

Jenny Havens Photography

Merisa LePage‎ Photography

Elaine Rennie‎ Photography

Vividly Animated Photography This is my sister. Her second son was supposed to be my first live birth. The nurse at the hospital kept her downstairs for 45 mins after we got to the hospital (this one nurse REFUSED to let my sister upstairs, my sister filled out the paperwork online weeks in advance however when we got there “they couldn’t find it” and the nurse only let her go up since i agreed to stay downstairs and sign stuff for my sister) by the time they let her upstairs she was having the baby in the wheelchair. As soon as he was born they rushed him out of the room, she didn’t even get to see him. By the time i got upstairs (30 mins after that) he was gone. For hours they didn’t tell us what was wrong with him, they didn’t give us any real updates at all. Finally, hours after them not telling us anything they tell us they will bring him by just before the firefighters fly him 2 hours away to a different hospital. This is the first time she saw him. Feb 14, 2016, he’s a happy little 3 year old now :)”

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to those of you who participated. If you are a winner, please feel free to download your winning badge here.



This Week’s Theme:


P.S. Feel free to check out our $19 photography membership here to get all the Photoshop actions, Photoshop overlays, digital backgrounds, Editing tutorials, and other materials and tutorials of your dreams for this week’s theme!



Go enter this week’s new contest! You can read more details on how to enter our weekly top photo contests each week here.

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